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Best introduction to c language

Introduction to C language

c language is a programming language that 
is used to solve make operator system.etc
If you are beginner in programming your language should be c.
Becuase it provide you all the basic concept of other languages like --python
It provide you basic error understanding ability.
Before moving on programming you should know about what topic is in c language.
If you want to do any field of computer science you should learn c in very effective way.
I promise you after reading whole blog you feel like a programmer.


in this section we learn about type of data .thier size .

2.Arithmatic operator 

in this section we learn about simple +,-,×,%,/

3.For loop

 4.while loop -while loop





in this section we will talk about 
1.quick sort
2.selection sort
3.insertion sort


1.linear searching
2.binary searching list 

1.singly link list
2.doubly link list
3.circular link list

12.dynamic programming in c

This is the mostly covered topic in c.
Every language is depend upon c . Because c is the root language of other programming language.

History of c language-

History of C Language. ... C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph), located in the U.S.A. Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of the c language. It was developed to overcome the problems of previous languages such as B, etc.


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